State Deputy’s Quarterly Message
From the Desk of
State Deputy
Mike Stanger

"Know Them By Their Works"
Worthy Grand Knights.
I hope that your are sake. please continue your precautions.
This is what is new.
1}Although our state convention is cancelled on-site this May in Elkins, Supreme is REQUIRING a virtual convention. This online or telephone convention will be held on Saturday May 16th starting at 9 AM
2)Supreme is testing programs this week and will inform us of which one to use next week.
3)The meeting will be basic. It will cover State officer reports, State Officer elections, Supreme Convention delegates, and resolutions. Other items normally taking place will be held until ORG meeting in July.
4)I have asked 3 Past State Deputies to act as an oversite committee to insure our convention and postponements are correct. They are Scott Nale, Darrell Capral, and Dick Sepkowski
I will keep you updated as soon as I hear anything else
Paul Niedbalski State Deputy