Brothers All,
Following up regarding the Coats for Kids Program, as stated in the first email, the State must submit a program proposal to Supreme to participate in the BOGO program. I am preparing this proposal and have heard from FIVE (5) councils, while I am only aware of SEVEN (7) councils who participated last year, and Thank you. I am hoping we can have 12 Councils participate, even if a council can fundraise and purchase only 1 case of coats, it will become 2 *POOF* and twice as many kids will be warm this winter.
We will be working with Catholic Charities throughout the state to distribute, along with organizations each council already supports, not looking to change who you are giving to, you know your communities. Last year West Virginia Councils contributed close to 20% of ALL coats distributed throughout the Knights Coats for Kids program, and that was during the pandemic. There is no doubt we can make a larger impact for those in need as "things" get back to normal.
The following information is needed from your council by September 15th. You may respond to this email with the following information.
1. Council Name and number.
2. Name of Coats for Kids Chairman, or GK, email and phone number
3. The number of cases you can or will distribute.
4. An estimate of gender and size needed. If you have ordered in the past, please use that size and gender information as a guide. Each case consists of 12 coats, all one gender, to a case, a variety of sizes and styles.
5. We will be ordering the Extreme Cold Weather Jackets, each case costs $237.38. PAYMENT FROM THE COUNCILS MUST BE PROVIDED BEFORE YOUR ORDER WILL BE PLACED.
Councils please respond ASAP.
Vivat Jesus!!
Mike Arndt
WV State Council Community Chair